Why should your mother care about the Arctic Ocean (and hence why should you)?

With apologies for the late notice, we invite you to our March 2014 event, where Dr. Mathieu Richaud will take you on a journey into the Arctic. We’ve entirely escaped the arctic winds that have had much of the US in the grip of their polar vortex this winter – but here’s our chance to learn a little bit more about the Arctic Ocean, and why it matters to all of us.

Dr. Richaud is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences at Fresno State. He is an oceanographer interested in global biogeochemical cycles, and habitat mapping of the seafloor, and teaches Oceanography and the geology of California.

He will share his recent journey across the arctic and tell us about:

5 weeks in the Arctic Ocean onboard the R/V Akademik Fedorov during the NABOS 2013 Arctic Expedition:

Every year since 2002, the National Science Foundation has funded the Nansen and Amundsen Basin Observational System (NABOS) during which researchers deploy buoys and moorings to record year-round observations in the Arctic Ocean. The data have since been used in oceanographic, atmospheric, ice, biological, and geochemical studies. The 2013 expedition was significant in its multidisciplinary nature with advanced technological methods of observations utilized by each scientific discipline. One of the main goals of the expedition was to understand the relative role of factors that contribute to current Arctic sea ice reductions. I will present some of the techniques and tools (CTD profilers, moorings, Lagrangian buoys, bottle chemistry sampling, etc.) used by physical and chemical oceanographers to study chemical tracers, sea ice formation and melting, and the interaction of Atlantic Water branches with shelf waters, deep basin interior and upper ocean in the Eurasian and Makarov basins of the Arctic Ocean.

So join us again at Peeve’s Pub on Fresno’s Fulton Mall next Monday evening, for another fun evening of science over a beer or two. The Pub’s management assures us that they are working hard to resolve some of the slow food service issues we’ve had in the recent past events, so I hope that doesn’t deter you from giving them a try (you could also eat early and just savor a beer over the talk). They’re also setting up a second flat-screen TV display at the back, so you should be able to see the presentation better if you’re stuck there. We are thrilled to have such responsive hosts who are clearly keen to make us all feel at home – so I hope you will continue to give them your patronage.

Here are the details of the March event:

When: 3 March 2014, 7:00-8:30 PMDinner will be served from 6:00PM.

Where:  Peeve’s Public House
, 1243 Fulton Mall, Fresno, CA 93721

Contact:  559-278-2460 (cafe inquiries) / 559-573-5735 (Pub’s number)

Here’s the full poster for this event – please feel free to download, print, and share with your friends and family: